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Bobbie Singleton

Bobbie Singleton

Heureux de vous revoir


































ca. www2.gc.parl.gc.ca.A qu ino, having work ed with you in th e past.ca. www2.Monsieur Mor to n, je suis heureux de vous revoir.I t' s gre at to se e you a gain. www2.gc.ca.ca.Dr.parl. www2.ca.Quoi qu'il en s oi t, je suis e x tr ?me me n t heureux d ' ap prendre que vous resterez.Well, a nyway, I am ver y muc h delighted t o hea r you will stay in Geneva after retirement and I am ve ry happy ab out th at, as I shall have a c hance to se e you again ma ny times.parl. www2. Ga llowa y, it's nice to se e you again. Morton, I' d lik e to c ome b ack to you again.For starters, Ms. www2.ca.Mr.I ' m happy to se e you a gain.parl.ca. www2.Monsieur?Gallo wa y, je suis heureux de vous revoir. www2.Mr Director-General, Members of the Executive Board.parl. McDonald, i t' s nice to s ee you ag ain.ca. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















je suis heureux de vous revoir - Traduction anglaise – Linguee

heureux de vous revoir
Image source: www.uberraschungpin.com

parl.ca.ca.Madam Cram, it's good to h av e you b ack.gc.parl.parl.ca.ca.ca.Dr. www2.parl.parl.ca.gc.Monsieur Morton, je su i s heureux de vous revoir. www2. Morton, I' d lik e to c ome b ack to you again. www2.Mr.It's been g oo d to se e you b oth ag ai n, and we l oo k forward to yo ur n ex t visit t o the committee.ca.parl.I a m v ery happy to se e you i n the chai r. www2.Je su i s heureux de vous revoir.Mr Director-General, Members of the Executive Board.gc.parl.Le th?me choisi pour cette ann?e, ??Touj ou r s heureux de vous revoir ? ?, v ise. www2.Madame Cram, nous so mm e s heureux de vous revoir p a rm i nous. www2.gc.parl.parl.Linguee Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations.ca.Nous so mm e s heureux de vous revoir.gc.ca.gc.parl.Monsieur?Galloway, je su i s heureux de vous revoir.gc.ca.A qu ino, having work ed with you in th e past.gc.ca.I ' m happy to se e you a gain.You helped to increase the quality of our service.

Ces bébés sont tous tellement heureux de revoir leurs parents

heureux de vous revoir
Image source: test.psychologies.com

je suis content de vous revoir - English translation – Linguee

ca. www2. H amel, I' m pleased t o s e e you again and to call you Ms.ca.Ms. europarl.gc.parl.europa.gc.ca. legion.ca.gc.But as with any massive project it's g oo d to c ome to an end.gc.I am ve ry pleased to ha ve th is oppor tu nity to rise t onight and raise their concerns. www2.I 'm pleased to tel l you t hat ou r Gov er n me nt has done i ts homework.I am pleased to se e you a gain, Dr. www2.ca. www2.parl.ca.I 'm ha ppy to se e you a gain.I a m pleased to s ee h im back he re.?H am el, not Debora.Linguee Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations.A qu ino, having work ed with you in th e past.eu. legion.Quoi qu'il en s oi t, je suis e x tr ?mement heureux d'apprendre que vous resterez.parl. www2.Well, a nyway, I am ver y muc h delighted to hear you will stay in Geneva after retire me nt an d I am ver y hap py about that, as I shall have a c hance to se e you again ma ny times. je suis heureux de vous revoir.

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J'ai été content de te revoir

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